Integrated Curriculum (Pohewa)
At St Clair School, Science, Social Sciences, Health & PE, The Arts are delivered in an integrated approach. At St Clair we call this Pohewa.
Students direct their learning with support from teachers
Students undertake a process of inquiry
Students learn in an authentic and meaningful context
Students make connections within a variety of curricula areas
Students develop critical thinking, creativity, and social skills
Reading @ St Clair School
Writing @ St Clair School
English (Literacy)
At St Clair School we acknowledge literacy as an essential foundation skill for children. In order for our students to succeed in literacy, they will develop skills to communicate in a variety of ways. Literacy learning involves:
Reading and writing: learning the code, making meaning, and thinking critically
Structured Literacy
Oral and aural communication skills
Practised in authentic, meaningful contexts
Integrated across other curriculum areas
At St Clair School, mathematics is seen as an essential foundation skill for children. We believe competence with numbers underpins mathematical confidence.
Our mathematics programme covers number, algebra, statistics, space, probability and measurement. In the early years the focus is on pattern and structure. As our ākonga move through the school there is an increasing focus on algebra, statistics, space, probability and measurement as these areas act as contexts for mathematical literacy.
Students access authentic age appropriate tasks to develop skills to solve mathematical problems
Students develop number bonds ( 2+3=5, 10-7=3, 14+6=20) and basic facts (times tables and division)
Integrated across other curriculum areas
Math @ St Clair School
The Arts
St Clair School provides specialist teaching in music with the enhusiastic and amazing Ali Caldwell, as well as performing arts being taught throughout our classroom programmes. Our students can be involved in a variety of activities during their time at school, such as:
Rock Band
Jump Jam
Stars on Stage