Takutai - New Entrant, Year 1&2 

Michelle Reece

Room 4 - Team Leader Takutai-iti (year 1) 

Michelle is one of our key reception class teachers.  She provides a warm and safe welcome for our newest learners and has the specific skills needed to ensure a smooth start to formal learning for all children in her care.  Michelle works closely with the Early Learning Centres who contribute to our kura, and ensures a positve transition into our school for families and ākonga.

Email: mreece@stclair.school.nz 

Sally Marett

Room 6

Sally has joined the Takutai team, having been our PE specialist teacher for many years, and teaching with Ngaru in 2022.  Sally's calm, patient manner with children brings out the best in their learning, and she is excited to return to the junior school after being in the Takutai-iti team in term 4 in 2021.

Email:  smarett@stclair.school.nz

Aneka Thomson

Room 5

Aneka provides a warm welcome for our youngest learners.  Her strong background in preschool and new entrant education ensures that key literacy and numeracy skills are acquired smoothly.  Aneka enjoys sharing the excitement of starting school with children and their whānau

Email: athomsonl@stclair.school.nz

Rachel French 

Room 10  - Team Leader Takutai-nui (years 1-2)

Rachel joined our teaching team in 2007. She has a particular interest and strength in teaching mathematics. Rachel has taught in several schools and has worked as a numeracy facilitator for the Dunedin College of Education, presenting nationally and internationally in this area.  She is passionate about collaborative teaching and brings strengths with this into her practice.   She has recently completed two years training as a reading recovery teacher, and has led the year 1-2 team since 2021.

Email: rfrench@stclair.school.nz

Olivia Hogan

Room 9

Rebecca Tamblyn

Room 2

Becky's creative flair and love of literacy is a real asset for our school.  Becky is a very experienced junior school teacher, and recently completed two years training and teaching of reading recovery.  Becky has real strengths in dance and a passion to meet the needs of all children in her care.

Email: rtamblyn@stclair.school.nz 

Tania Hammond

Room 1

Mrs Hammond joined us in 2018 after spending many years in education, including time as an RTLB.  Mrs Hammond is an excellent teacher of literacy, having trained in reading recovery.  She also is passionate about teaching mathematics, and has led this area in previous schools.  Mrs Hammond is a bubbly, positive, and motivated teacher who builds strong positive relationships with her students.

Email: thammond@stclair.school.nz

Sonya Menzies

Room 4 Classroom release teacher 

Sonya will teach in room 4 one day a fortnight, to release Michelle.  Sonya is a very experienced teacher who has working in our kura for many years as a reliever and part time teacher.  Sonya's calm and positive nature ensures she is a favourite with the children. 

Email: smenzies@stclair.school.nz 

Alison Caldwell

Specialised Music  

Alison Caldwell works with all classes once a week providing a specialised music programme.  She is an enthusiastic and capable teacher, and is a highly skilled music specialist.  She has an enthusiasm for her work which sees children achieving high standards within a varied and stimulating music programme.  Ali also coordinates our school marimba, choir, rock band and guitar groups.

Alison is also assisting with our communication regarding Covid-19

Email: acaldwell@stclair.school.nz

Dale Hunter

P.E Specialist Teacher


Mandarin teacher

Elizabeth Faithful

Literacy Support