Frequently Asked Questions
Absences - Late to school - Leaving early
Your child’s health, safety and whereabouts are of critical significance to the school. All absences or lateness should be explained by a telephone call (455 8199) to the school office before 9.00am, or a note on Hero. An automated phone service is available outside of school hours to enable absences to be recorded at any time. If you are planning to take your child out of school for any reason other than illness (for example family holiday), you are required to write to/email the principal for permission (section 29 of the Education Act 1989). St Clair School actively monitors attendance, and makes contact with the families or caregivers of children each term who have lower than 80% attendance, or a significant pattern of late starts.
If your child is not in class by 8.55am, they must come in to the office to sign in on our VisTab.
If you need to pick your child up before 3.00pm you need to go to the school office to sign your child out via the VisTab. The office team will send for your child to meet you in the office.
Annual Financial Reports
All school boards are required to make the school’s annual report available to the public on an internet site maintained by or on behalf of the board (see the update to the Education Act 1989). Making annual reports available on an internet site ensures that parents and the wider community can access information about what your school has achieved and how your board has managed school finances in the previous school year. If you would like to see our annual financial report, please go to our schooldocs site (username and password both 'stclair') and search for it in the search box at the top left.
Bikes / scooters / skateboards
Children may ride bicycles, skateboards or scooters to school. Parents/caregivers should ensure their child is able to ride safely and observe road rules. Safety helmets must be worn when riding a bike and are recommended for scooters and skateboards. Police road safety research indicates that children under the age of 10 require close supervision when biking on public roads. All bikes and scooters must be placed in the racks provided. Bikes, skateboards and scooters must be walked to-and-from the school gates, and walked across roads, including the pedestrian crossing. Wheels may be used in school break times, providing children are on their equipment only and are wearing appropriate safety gear, including helmets.
Bullying and Inappropriate Social Behaviour
St Clair School has a very proactive approach to bullying. If you believe your child is the victim of any kind of bullying, it is essential that you contact the school and talk to a teacher, the Deputy Principal or the Principal as soon as possible. Prompt contact with the school is your best course of action.
Cellular / Mobile Phones
Students may not bring cellular devices to school, or use them during the school day. Communication in an emergency is fast and efficient via the office. Phones and other internet capable devices are expected to be handed in to the school office for safe keeping. No responsibility will be taken by the school for any damage or safety of student's personal devices or phones.
Strategic Plan
The current school strategic plan is available by going to the St Clair School Docs site, and typing "strategic plan" into the search box (username and password are both 'stclair'). It is also available on the school website.
Class trips
Classes are encouraged to move out of the traditional classroom environment whenever an appropriate opportunity arises. Visits are made to places of interest in our immediate locality. Parents are often asked to assist with student supervision. Assisting with trips is an excellent way for parents to get to know classmates, other parents and teachers.
When children are undertaking a physical activity, such as physical education and the year 1 and 2 Perceptual Motor Programme (PMP), they should wear clothing that allows freedom of movement. Please ensure your child’s clothing is clearly named. We put lost clothing in a box just inside the main Te Manawanui doors, and keep lost clothing for one term before disposing of it.
Concerns and Complaints
The school has a formal complaints policy and procedure. This is available on our schooldocs website. (Username and password: "stclair")
Contacting the School
The school makes use of an answer phone to help manage high volume call periods. You can be assured messages are checked regularly and calls are returned promptly.
Absences can be reported 24 hours a day by calling (03) 455 8199 and following the automated prompts. Alternatively, absences can be emailed to the office, via the Hero app.
Email is used extensively by school staff. The addresses use a common format – based on the staff member’s name, first initial and surname (e.g.
All staff endeavour to answer email within 24 hours. Please do not use email for urgent information as most staff are not able to check their emails during work hours.
Urgent matters should be communicated by telephone - (03) 455 8199
Counselling Service
The school employs a counsellor to work with children experiencing emotional or social difficulties, or who simply need some additional support or a ‘listening ear’. Further information about this service is available from the Principal, or the school office.
Education Review Office - ERO
St Clair School is reviewed by ERO regularly, and reports are public documents, available from the ERO site.
Health Nurse
Our school has regular visits from a Public Health Nurse who, in addition to her input into regular education programmes, is available to advise or assist with family health concerns. If you would like to see the Health Nurse, please contact the school office to make an appointment. Alternatively, the Health Nurse service can be contacted directly on (03) 476 9800.
The school recognises that many children have after school activities. We also acknowledge that there is little research in New Zealand to show that home learning has any positive impact on student achievement with the exception of regular reading and learning ‘rote recall’ information (eg basic math facts). Our home-learning expectations take this into account and we ask that all children spend some time reading at home every day to continue their learning and develop a love of reading. You may wish to support your child with other learning, including basic facts for maths, but there is no requirement to do so from school. Please make contact with your child’s teacher if you would like ideas on ways to support their learning at home.
School officially commences at 8.55am, although children are able to come into school from 8.30am. Morning break is from 10.40am to 11am, and lunch from 12.30 to 1.30pm. School finishes at 3pm, with school supervision finishing at 3.15pm.
Being on time, and attending school every day, have a clear correlation with achievement and success at school. The Board’s attendance policy is available on our schooldocs website.
It is important that the school has accurate emergency contact telephone numbers for your child. An additional contact (such as a grandparent or friend) is also valued in case parents cannot be contacted. If you change your address, phone number(s) or workplace, please notify the school office (455 8199).
In the event of a serious accident, every effort will be made to contact families as soon as possible. In the case of a serious injury, an ambulance will be called. All costs associated with accident treatment are covered by ACC. Parents are notified of any head injury as a standard precaution.
Illness While At School
Should a child’s health be of concern during the school day, parents/caregivers will be contacted and asked to pick up their child from school. The medical room is only equipped to provide temporary accommodation. Sick children are happiest and safest when cared for by their own family.
For safety and security reasons, jewellery should not be worn at school. All precious personal possessions should be kept at home.
Lost Property
All children’s clothing and property must be named. Lost property is kept in a lost property box outside the main doors to Te Manawanui. Parents are encouraged to check the clothing box regularly to collect lost items. All unclaimed property is disposed of at the end of each term.
Most children bring their lunch to school.
Lunches can be purchased using an online school-lunch ordering system. Wednesdays- Subway; Fridays - Sushi. Pies are available on a Friday for $3.50 - this is to be dropped into the school office before 9.00am on a Friday morning in a named envelope.
Children are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school. Children may not bring carbonated drinks (coke etc) to school. Sweets/lollies are also not to be consumed at school.
Mihi Whakatau
Each term we start with a mihi whakatau at 9.00am to welcome new members of our school and their families. Please go to this link, ask at the office or ask your child's class teacher for more information.
Money at School
Children should only bring money to school when required (e.g. lunch orders, book orders, fees etc). All money sent to school should be in a sealed envelope clearly stating: child’s name, room number, and what the money is for. If possible, please send the correct change. Cheques should be made out to St Clair School and crossed “Not Transferable”.
EFTPOS is available at the office. We do not accept Visa or credit cards for payment.
Parent/Caregiver Engagement and Communication
We value an open and positive relationship with parents, caregivers and whānau. Parents/caregivers are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher to discuss progress or concerns at any time. Discussion with a member of the leadership team or the principal is also welcome.
Team newsletters are sent home electronically once a term. These newsletters aim to keep families informed of school events and happenings.
Parent/Caregiver Involvement
Many activities require parent involvement both inside and outside the classroom. These include: New Entrant visits, visiting as an expert or resource person, helping with student supervision on class trips, assisting with swimming, beach education or sports programme, active involvement as a camp parent, working in the library, making classroom resources, providing support for the Perceptual Motor Programme (PMP), or helping with fund-raising activities.
Please speak to your child’s teacher to find out more.
Our PTA is an active group and welcomes new members. Help with projects like the fair, art auction, BBQs and disco is always welcome. See the section on this website for PTA contact details, or email them at:
Pedestrian Crossing and Safe Parking
Parents/caregivers crossing Richardson St are asked to use the pedestrian crossing at all times. Drivers must NOT double-park or park cars on the yellow lines near the school entrances on either Albert St or Richardson St. This creates a safety hazard for children.
Pohewa (learning through play), is a pedagogical tool to enhance life-long learning for our ākonga at St Clair School. Click on this link for more explicit information on pohewa at St Clair School.
Police Vetting
As a school we are very proactive about keeping our children safe. At the same time we acknowledge and welcome parent support for many activities. We ask that all parents who would like to help with swimming (especially changing younger children) or who wish to attend a school camp or other off-site activity complete a police vet. Please see the school office for details around what is required with this vetting process.
Policy and Procedures
The school has a number of key policies that ensure Board governance is effective and complies with education regulation. These policies are available on our schooldocs website (username and password both 'stclair'). Copyright: Except where stated, the content on this site is the copyright of SchoolDocs Ltd. It may not be reproduced without written permission from SchoolDocs Ltd.
Reporting Processes
There are several formal opportunities for parent/whanau/caregiver/teacher discussion and reporting:
February - ‘Meet the Teacher’ event - an informal opportunity to meet your child’s class teacher.
March/April - Goal setting, 3-Way Conferences. These provide an opportunity for parents/caregivers/whanau to talk to teachers about their child’s learning and specific goals for the year ahead.
December - Follow-up interviews are available upon request.
Our School Management System (SMS), Hero enables real time feedback to parents and caregivers on student achievement. This is updated regularly throughout the year and can be downloaded at any point in time as a written report as required.
Scholastic Book Club
Order forms for Scholastic Book Club products are generally issued to children twice a term. Money and order forms should be handed into the office.
School Camp
St Clair School has a long tradition of memorable Year 6 camps. During the camp, children enjoy a wide variety of outdoor activities and a week of communal living. The camp contribution is requested early in the year. Progress payments can be arranged through the office. EFTPOS is also available.
School Donation
Each year the Board decides upon a school donation necessary to provide visiting performances, transport for school trips, and attendance at off-site cultural events.
The school donation is currently $90 per child or $180 per family. This donation is voluntary and tax deductible. Please see this Ministry of Education website link for information on school donations.
An additional nominal donation of $35 per child has been established to help subsidise the cost associated with bus travel to and from swimming lessons. The cost of professional instructors and the balance of the bus cost is met by the school. EFTPOS is available at the school office.
Special Education and Learning Support - LENCO
Children experiencing specific learning difficulties are supported by a multitude of acceleration programmes designed by the school. If you are concerned about your child’s progress, achievement or well being please talk to your child’s teacher or one of the leadership team. Alternatively you could speak with our school LENCO - Luke Herden. He is contactable on
Speech Therapists
Our school has access to limited Speech Therapist services through the Ministry of Education's ‘Learning Support’ team. Any concerns about your child’s speech patterns should be shared initially with your child’s teacher or one of the leadership team.
The school supports more than 10 after-school sporting codes. Most codes charge a registration fee that must be paid prior to the commencement of the season. In addition, facilities such as the Edgar Centre and Moana Pool charge admission to participants. Detailed information about sports options is available on our website. Parent/caregiver support with team coaching / management is essential. Please contact our sport coordinators on for further information
Student Enrolment and Enrolment Scheme
Enrolment at St Clair School is governed by a Ministry of Education enrolment scheme. A map of the school’s enrolment zone is available from the school office and on this website.
If you live inside the home zone of St Clair School, your child has automatic right of entry.
If you live outside the enrolment boundary, enrolment is subject to a place being available. Police supervised ballots are used if demand for places exceeds the number of places available.
We endeavour to enrol all children seeking admission and regret that places are limited.
Sun Hats and Sun Safety
In terms 1 and 4, children are required to wear a sunhat when outside. A standard blue sunhat is available from the school office ($14).
Children are also encouraged to wear sun protective clothing e.g. shirts with collars and longer sleeves as clothing is recognised as one of the best forms of protection from the sun. All staff wear sun hats during breaks to model sun-safe behaviour.
All pupils receive 10 professional swimming lessons during the year. This professional instruction is undertaken at a significant cost to the school and parents are asked to pay a nominal donation to assist with bus expenses [$35 per child]. Parent help is required with student supervision, and all volunteers must complete a police vet for approval.
Te Manawanui - Our collaborative learning space
Our school is very fortunate to have an innovative building design that promotes engagement, cooperation and ‘learner agency’. Children use this space for independent learning, collaborative learning and group problem solving.
Parents are asked to respect children’s learning and not enter Te Manawanui until after the 3pm bell.
Team names
Our year 1 (new entrant) team is called Takutai-iti (little Takutai) and our year 1-2 team is called Takutai-nui (big Takutai). Takutai is the te reo Māori word for the coastline. Our year 3-4 team is called Ngaru, which is the te reo Māori word for a sea wave, which is part of our school logo. The year 5-6 team is called Tahatū which is te reo Māori for the horizon.
Each class in our school has its own timetable. Your child’s teacher is able to tell you about your child’s general weekly timetable.
Toys and Precious Possessions
Because the school cannot guarantee the safety of toys and precious possessions, children are asked to bring to school only those items they need to complete their school work – books, pencils, bag, lunch box, drink bottle etc. Toys and other valuables should be kept safely at home.
Year 1 and 2 classes currently have one day a week when toys are brought to school as part of their oral language programme. Teachers will inform parents about this element of their programme.