We have a number of forms that are used at school to ensure we have all the information we need to hand. Below you will find links to the main forms we require.
We have a number of forms that are used at school to ensure we have all the information we need to hand. Below you will find links to the main forms we require.
Medicine Authority Form.pdf
Medicine Authority Form (PDF on School docs)
For when you child needs to take medicines during the school day
Digital Technology Student Agreement (PDF on School docs)
An agreement the student signs to ensure they are using the digital technology safely at school
Student information consent form (on School Docs)
Consent to publish student work, images and creations publicly via the newsletter, facebook or in the media
Police Vetting forms (available from the school office)
We encourage all parents who would like to volunteer or support school activities to complete a police vetting form
General excursion form, including swimming permission
This covers all excursions within Dunedin city